HEiKA Summer Science Academy 2023

From August 27 to September 1, the HEiKA Summer Science Academy 2023 took place at the Black Forest hotel “Zuflucht”. Interested master students had the opportunity to learn from Cluster PIs, leading experts in the field of 3D Materials and Applications, about topics ranging from new 3D printing strategies to optoelectronic devices, microscopy and spectroscopy, and hybrid organoid […]

Mechanical Metamaterials

From the Stone Age to the Metamaterial Age? A recent Cluster publication with PI Martin Wegener published in the IOP journal “Reports on Progress in Physics” summarizes the conceptual as well as experimental state-of-the-art of mechanical metamaterials, including different functional architectures, dimensions, and length scales, ranging from below one micrometer to tens of meters. The review […]

Jasmin Aghassi appointed to two Editorial Boards

Cluster Principal Investigator Jasmin Aghassi has been appointed member of the editorial board of the IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics (J-FLEX) on July 2023. The journal publishes cutting edge research covering all aspects of sensors, transistors, related devices, circuits, systems on flexible, disposable, stretchable and degradable substrates. Since 2022, she is also executive editorial board member of […]

3D Printing Hierarchically Nano-Ordered Structures

First author Young Scientist Britta Weidinger presents new self-assembled printable materials based on a novel ink, enabling precise control of the nanostructure in 3D in a new Cluster publication. The ink developed by the researchers of Heidelberg University and KIT is suitable for high-resolution two-photon 3D printing and based on self-assembled block copolymers containing photo-cross-linkable groups. The […]

Cluster Publication in Nature Communications

A recent Cluster publication with participation of Associate PI Wolfram Pernice paves the way for controllable integrated photonic circuits. By using heterogeneous integration of electroluminescent, semiconducting carbon nanotubes into hybrid two dimensional – three dimensional (2D-3D) photonic circuits, the authors overcome existing challenges of emerging photonic information processing systems. The paper titled “An electroluminescent and tunable cavity-enhanced […]

Cluster Collaboration on the Mechano-Regulation of Stem Cells

In a recent publication that resulted from the collaboration of Heidelberg University and KIT, first authors Cluster Young Scientists Natalie Munding and Magdalena Fladung designed and manufactured microstructured bio-metamaterials that influence the behaviour of mesenchymal stem cells. The metamaterials they designed and manufactured based on a silicon elastomer-like photoresist and two-photon laser printing can create surfaces that […]

News and Views article by Kerstin Göpfrich published in Nature

Cluster PI Kerstin Göpfrich has published her News & Views article “Synthetic cells on the move” in the renowned scientific journal nature physics. In her article she discusses a fascinating discovery in synthetic biology by Meifang Fu et al. previously published in nature physics. The researchers found that by using the bacterial MinDE protein system, […]

New Cluster Spokespersons for Heidelberg University

The General Assembly of the Cluster 3DMM2O has confirmed the election of Principal Investigator Christine Selhuber-Unkel as new Cluster Spokesperson for Heidelberg University. Prof. Selhuber-Unkel, former Deputy Spokesperson, will follow PI Jochen Wittbrodt. We are grateful for his high efforts as Spokesperson in the last three years. Principal Investigator Eva Blasco becomes Deputy Spokesperson for […]

Big Cluster Review on 3D Architected Pyrolytic Carbon Manufacturing

A new Cluster publication with the participation of seven Cluster PIs provides a nice overview of 3D architected pyrolytic carbon produced by additive micro- and nanomanufacturing. The review by first author Yolita Eggeler discusses the recent advances in the additive manufacturing of 3D pyrolytic carbon structures and the different techniques that can be used to produce […]

Cluster Publication published in Matter

The review on Engineered Living Carbon Materials by first author Cluster Young Scientist Monsur Islam and PIs Christine Selhuber-Unkel and Jan Korvink was published in the journal “Matter” of Cell Press with an impressive impact factor of about 20. The article emphasizes the potential of Hybrid Living Carbon Materials (HLCMs) by reviewing currently available examples […]