Open Positions at the Cluster 3DMM2O

Below, you find opportunities to become a part of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order.

Please note that the Application Portal of the HEiKA Graduate School on “Functional Materials” is open regardless of positions currently advertised on this site. For more information on the program, please click here.

Open Positions at KIT

2 open positions for Doctoral Researchers

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The group of Dr. Jens Bauer is looking for a PhD for an exciting project on Deformable Ceramic through 3D-Printed Nanostructuring.

Project description:

Traditionally, material development has focused on the chemistry and microstructure of solids. Metamaterials go beyond these approaches and are composed of spatially structured building blocks (e.g., lattice architectures). Decoupled from the behavior of the base material used, spatial architectures enable a range of mechanical properties that would be impossible in the classical sense. Nanostructured metamaterials take this concept a step further. By miniaturizing their architectures through high-resolution 3D printing, they can exploit extreme material size effects. Thus, the architecture becomes a method for manipulating its own base material, with enormous potential for the development of future multifunctional high-performance materials, such as high-strength, ultra-lightweight nanolattices.

As a scientist, you will develop novel nanostructured ceramic metamaterials with the goal of utilizing material size effects in strength, plasticity, etc., through nanoscale three-dimensional architectures, which have so far only been demonstrated in individual nanofibers and nanoparticles. The targeted interplay of material and structural mechanics aims to achieve defect-insensitive, ductile deformation behavior with high-strength, inherently brittle ceramics. The experimental tasks include the nanofabrication of metamaterial samples, where various material morphologies are achieved through precise process control, and the characterization of their deformation behavior using scanning electron microscopy and nanoCT. Finite element simulations will also be essential for analyzing the response behavior, enabling a deeper understanding of localized mechanical effects and supporting the architectural design.

Our laboratory is a young and dynamic team with a flat hierarchy. Within 3DMM2O and the INT, we access a vast inventory of state-of-the art instrumentation and are part of a highly visible multidisciplinary network of experts. Further, we are in close exchange with collaborative partners at international top institutions, providing ample creative space, and opportunities to take divers responsibilities, and to expand your professional network.

Your profile:


Scientific staff position (f/m/d) at 75% TV-L E13


Applications should be handed in only through our Application Portal. Please indicate the position you are interested in so we can make sure to evaluate your application accordingly. The following documents and data are required for your application:

Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.

Upon acceptance, the Doctoral Researchers will be part of the structured doctoral program offered by the HEiKA Graduate School on Functional Materials, which brings together Young Scientists in an interdisciplinary environment. The participating disciplines encompass chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, biophysics, biology, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.


Dr. Jens Bauer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

The group of Prof. Lemmer is looking for a PhD candidate for an exciting project in the field of Printed Photonics.

Project description:

Printed photonic components are one of the research topics at Light Technology Institute. Recently, the research group has succeeded in manufacturing e.g., microlenses and Bragg mirrors by means of digital inkjet printing. This opens up numerous research opportunities for novel sensor systems and applications in large-area optoelectronics, for instance displays and photovoltaic technologies. To strengthen our team, we are looking for a PhD student to start as soon as possible.

Doctoral position, limited to 3 years with a chance for extension. Funding will initially be provided by a fellowship from the Carl Zeiss Foundation through the Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O.

Upon acceptance, the Doctoral Researchers will be part of the structured doctoral program offered by the HEiKA Graduate School on Functional Materials, which brings together Young Scientists in an interdisciplinary environment. The participating disciplines encompass chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, biophysics, biology, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.


Requirements for the application include a degree (MSc or equivalent) with above-average marks in in electrical engineering and information technology, materials science, process engineering, physics or related fields with excellent results. Furthermore, knowledge in the field of photonics, strong interest in experimental work (inkjet printing, optical characterization, etc.), strong analytical skills and structured, independent work styles.

Additional information about the research topics and requirements on the website of the Light Technology Institute. Further questions about the research projects should be directed to Uli Lemmer ( directly.

Applications should be handed in only through our Application Portal. Please indicate the position you are interested in so we can make sure to evaluate your application accordingly. The following documents and data are required for your application:

Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.

Prof. Dr. Uli Lemmer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Open Positions at Uni HD

1 open position for Doctoral Researchers

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The laboratory of Prof. Dr. Daniela Duarte Campos at the Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH) is seeking a PhD student in the field of Optogenetic iPSC culture for cardiac tissue engineering.

Project description:

For participating in the ERC Starting Grant LIGHTHEART focused on the development of a new in vivo bioprinting technology to fabricate human cardiac muscle directly at the operating room.
Heart failure remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide taking an estimate of 16 million lives each year. Cardiac tissue engineering solutions that can improve the quality of life of those with advanced heart disease have proved challenging so far. Bioprinting is an exciting technology that holds promise to fabricate tissues and organs. Lab-grown engineered cardiac muscle requires at least four weeks to maturate in a bioreactor. In LIGHTHEART, an off-the-shelf solution will be developed for treating injured myocardium in vivo. An unconventional combination of bioprinting and optogenetics will be used to surgically fabricate engineered cardiac muscle directly at the patient’s heart.

The Bioprinting Lab investigates biofabrication technologies and biomaterials suitable for in vivo and in vitro tissue and organ engineering, and their impact on the structure and function of natural and synthetic living tissues.

Your task will be to establish and optimize culture protocols of human pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, as well as to analyse and characterize the expression of light-sensitive proteins. The work will involve a variety of techniques including but not limited to:

  • 2D and 3D cell culture
  • Molecular methods in 3D cell culture (CRISPR/Cas9, DNA/RNA arrays, qPCR, Western Blot, etc)
  • Histology, immunochemical staining and imaging
  • Flow cytometry, FACS


We offer an international and attractive work environment in the Bioprinting Lab at the ZMBH. The salary is based on the TV-L scale (E13). The position is to be filled in with 25,675 hours/week (65%) for two years, with the possibility of extension. The position is available to start in September 2024.

Your profile:


Applications should be sent to Prof. Daniela Duarte Campos ( in a single PDF-file that includes a letter of motivation, CV, copy of transcripts and name of 2-3 referees. We ask for your understanding that application documents received by post will not be returned.

Closing date for applications: July 31, 2024

Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Disabled persons will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on the application process and the collection of personal data is available at


Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Duarte Campos

Please make sure to also check the “Stellenmarkt” of Heidelberg University for new positions.

Carl Zeiss Foundation Stipends

The Carl Zeiss Foundation Stipend Program within the Carl Zeiss Foundation-Focus∂HEiKA funds Doctoral Positions on self-selected topics as well as specified topics in the area of the Principal Investigators that joined the Cluster recently.

Prospective students of the MSc Materials Science and Engineering may apply for the Carl Zeiss Foundation Qualification Scholarship. More information here.

Bachelor / Master Theses

Bachelor / Master theses are advertised on the websites of Principal Investigators and Postdoctoral Researchers. Please make sure to check the websites of the Cluster scientists in your field of interest that are linked in their respective profile.

Student Assistants

Currently there are no student assistant vacancies offered.

Student Assistants at KIT

Student Assistants at Uni HD