Coordinating Committee
All strategic decisions within the Cluster are made by the Coordinating Committee (CC)
The Coordinating Committee decides upon changes in Cluster members, changes in Cluster PIs, and the distribution of funds within the Cluster. One further main task is the systematical evaluation of all projects, Thrusts, PIs, and members of the Cluster. The aim is to strengthen ongoing efforts and launch new ones, especially with respect to the second half of the first seven-year funding period.
The CC is composed of six PIs from KIT and six from Heidelberg University, among them the Executive Board members. An additional delegate from the KIT presidential committee and one from the president’s office of Heidelberg University guarantees efficient and direct information transfer between our Cluster and the university executives.
Cluster PI Stefanie Dehnen and the two Young Scientist’s Representatives of KIT and Uni HD do also participate in the regular CC meetings as guests.
The newly elected Coordinating Committee has been in office since November 1, 2021.
Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems – Functional Molecular Systems (IBCS-FMS) /
Material Research Center for Energy Systems (MZE)

Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)