Eva Blasco was chosen for the 2024 Advanced Science Young Innovator Award!

Cluster Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Eva Blasco has been selected as one of the winners of the 2024 Advanced Science Young Innovator Award.The award recognizes outstanding interdisciplinary scientific contributions in materials science, physics, chemistry, medical and life sciences, and engineering through the development of research leaders. Eva Blasco’s work on creating smart functional materials with […]

Joachim Wittbrodt elected as a member of EMBO!

Our Cluster Principal Investigator, Prof. Dr. Joachim Wittbrodt from the University of Heidelberg, has been elected a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) for his outstanding contribution to life science research. The international scientific organization honors researchers worldwide. Prof. Wittbrodt studies the development of fish embryos from the first cells to the differentiating […]

Kerstin Göpfrich receives the Alfried Krupp Award 2024!

Cluster Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Kerstin Göpfrich receives the Alfried Krupp Prize 2024, one of the most prestigious scientific awards in Germany. The prize, which is endowed with 1 million euros, gives the winners freedom in research and teaching for a period of five years. Kerstin Göprich is a professor at the Center for Molecular […]

Breakthrough in 3D imaging!

Cluster Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Uli Lemmer was part of a research team at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology that developed a portable multispectral 3D camera using inkjet printing. This palm-sized camera captures both 3D spatial and spectral information in a single snapshot, which traditionally requires multiple devices or time-consuming scanning processes. By integrating AI, […]

Eyesight from the 3D printer

Printing a new cornea during surgery to restore vision: This groundbreaking step in the fight against corneal diseases will be made possible in the future by a laser-based procedure using customized bio-ink. It was developed by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) led by Cluster Principal Investigator Ute Schepers with the participation of […]

A novel method for multimaterial 3D laser printing

A new cluster publication with first author Niklas Schwegler has been published in Small. Postdoctoral Researchers Maria Villiou, Federico Colombo, Barbara Schamberger and Principal Investigators Christine Selhuber-Unkel, Franziska Thomas and Eva Blasco are also involved. The scientists developed a direct method to fabricate 3D microstructured cell-adhesive and cell-repellent multimaterials using two-photon laser printing. This method […]