Cluster Young Scientist invited to Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings aim at exchange between different generations, cultures and disciplines by bringing together Nobel Laureates and the next generation of leading scientists.This year, the Chemistry meeting takes place from June 26 to July 1. Cluster Young Scientist Clara Vázquez-Martel from the group of Principal Investigator Eva Blasco is one of the participants […]
Publication on Gear-Based Metamaterials

In a new paper published in Nature Materials, researchers including PI Peter Gumbsch show their research on metamaterials that can fully reconfigure their meta-atoms in a wide range, allowing direct access to anisotropies of different types. The approach is based on connecting classical gears, with the gear-based metamaterials providing excellent properties. This allows for metamaterial […]
Women in Science: New Video

A new episode in the Women in Science video series was recently published. In it, Principal Investigator Yolita Eggeler talks about her research in the fiel of electron microscopy, how it relates to the development of new materials and how she got into science.
“Exzellent Erklärt” episode published

In its most recent episode, the German science podcast “Exzellent erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle” features the research of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O). In the episode, moderator Larissa Vassilian talks to Cluster Spokesperson and Principal Investigator Jochen Wittbrodt and his doctoral researcher Christina Schlagheck as well as Principal Investigator […]
Launch of Cluster LinkedIn page

The Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O) now has a LinkedIn page. Follow the page to get all the latest information in your feed and add the Cluster to your profile if you are a member!
Opening Ceremony of Carl Zeiss Foundation 3D User Lab

On May 5, the Opening Ceremony of the Carl Zeiss Foundation 3D User Lab took place. During the Ceremony, guests from the Carl Zeiss Foundation and the two foundation companies Carl Zeiss AG and SCHOTT AG as well as the members of the Cluster Industry Advisory Board got an insight into the shared infrastructure and the state […]
Girls’ Day 2022

The Girls’ Day takes place April 27 each year and offers young women the opportunity to learn about career and study opportunities in STEM areas and the trades. This year, the Cluster 3DMM2O was represented with four offers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University.
Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – The 3DMM2O Conference 2022

After a week of great talks and interesting exchange on the state-of-the-art in 3D Nano- and Micro-Manufacturing, Future 3DAM 2022 has concluded. The Cluster would like to thank all speakers and participants.
Best Poster Award at Future 3DAM 2022

Congratulations to the four awardees of the Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – The 3DMM2O Conference 2022 Best Poster Award: Clara Vázquez-Martel (Heidelberg University), Julian Hengsteler (ETH Zurich), Li-Yun Hsu (Heidelberg University) and Anna Mauri (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)). The awards were presented by Conference chair Christine Selhuber-Unkel. The Cluster thanks the Carl Zeiss Foundation […]
Daniela Duarte Campos receives BMBF Grant

Principal Investigator Daniela Duarte Campos has been awarded a grant by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the project “BlindZero” which focuses on irreversible diseases of the human cornea. The projects investigates innovative hydrogels to produce corneas directly on the patient’s eye using 3D bioprinting. The “NanoMatFutur” competition supports junior researchers in pursuing ambitious project ideas through innovative research approaches […]