Welcome Day

The Cluster 3DMM2O warmly invites its new doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to attend its first Welcome Day on April 16, 2019 in Heidelberg.

New paper in Advanced Materials

A new Cluster paper, published in the journal Advanced Materials, details water erasable microstructures produced by 3D laser printing. The paper features three Principal Investigators of the Cluster as co-authors: Martin Wegener, Christopher Barner-Kowollik and Eva Blasco.

CANCELLED: Event with ITAS: technik.kontrovers

PLEASE NOTE that the event had to be postponed. On March 11, 2020 at 6 pm, doctoral researcher Marc Hippler will participate in a public discussion about the present, future and societal dimension of 3D printing alongside Christoph Schneider and Maximilian Roßmann (both ITAS).

First Young Scientist Retreat of the Cluster

During their first Young Scientist Retreat, the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the Cluster 3DMM2O had an productive exchange of ideas and made connections across Thrusts and disciplines. Different team building exercises helped strengthening the group cohesion.

KHYS Research Travel Grant

The Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists financially supports doctoral students and postdocs undertaking three- to six-month research stays abroad. Applications are open until May 5, 2019.

Cluster Publication in Physical Review Letters

The cover of the newly published Physical Review Letters 124 (23) features a three-dimensional network of achiral rods. The figure is from a new paper written by, among others, Cluster Spokesperson and PI Martin Wegener titled “Isotropic Chiral Acoustic Phonons in 3D Quasicrystalline Metamaterials”.

Young Investigator Group Preparation Program

YIG Prep Pro focuses on the international recruitment of outstanding early career researchers, in particular one to four years after the completion of their doctorate. Applications are open until March 5, 2019.

Online Lecture on 3D Printing

On June 3, 2020 at 11 am, Distinguished Professor Dietmar W. Hutmacher (Queensland University of Technology) will give an online talk in our Lecture Series on 3D Printing. His talk is titled “Melt Electro Writing Biomimetic Fibre Network Architectures”.