New LookKIT features Cluster Research

The magazine LookKIT presents KIT’s research to the general public. The current issue features the Cluster 3DMM2O as a key institution within the materials research conducted at the University.

ERC Synergy Grants for Heidelberg University

Scientists of Heidelberg University are key participants in two research teams, each of which has obtained an ERC Synergy Grant, a highly-endowed grant from the European Research Council.

ERC Synergy Grant for PI Jan Korvink

The project “HiSCORE”, which aims at developing a method for high-throughput screening using nuclear method resonance, has been selected for funding by the European Research Council in its Synergy Grant scheme. Principal Investigator Jan Korvink will work on the project alongside Benno Meier (KIT) and partners at École normale supérieure and Radboud University.

Comparing 3D printing technologies

A new website by Cluster researchers provides a comparison of different 3D printing technologies by speed and voxel size. To keep the comparison updated, visitors can suggest new references to be included in the diagram.

Paper published in Small

Researchers including Cluster scientists publish a paper in the journal Small describing the fabrication of ultra-compact scanning-probe microscopy engines using 3D printing.

Success for 3DMM2O

We are proud to announce that the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made To Order was successful within the Excellence Initiative. It will officially be funded starting from January 2019.

Enzyme-Degradeable Photoresist

A new paper published in Advanced Functional Materials, introduces a biocompatible and photocurable resist for scaffold fabrication that can be readily degraded by a certain enzyme. The authors, among them Cluster PIs Eva Blasco, Martin Wegener and Christopher Barner-Kowollik, describe their photoresist as a step towards “enabling 3D tissue constructs to be created to heal patients […]