Printable Light Sensors

A new paper, co-written among others by Cluster PIs Schröder, Lemmer and Hernandez-Sosa, introduces printable light sensors that are able to detect colors, thus enabling data transmission by light. They report their results in Advanced Materials.

Registration Open: Cluster Conference 2020

The first conference of the Cluster 3DMM2O will take place from March 29 to April 2, 2020 and focus on 3D Hybrid Organotypic Systems. The deadline for submissions isJanuary 6, 2020!

Seminar Announcement

On May 6, there will be a special seminar on “Overcoming the conflict between stiffness and toughness in architected lattices“ by Dr. Jochen Mueller (Harvard University). It takes place at KIT Campus South, Physics building (30.23), in room 6-1 from 10-11 am.

New photoresist enables 3D printing of nanoporous structures

In a paper recently published in the journal Advanced Materials, Cluster researchers describe a newly developed photoresist for 3D laser microprinting that can be used for manufacturing nanoporous polymer microstructures. By tuning the writing parameters, the porosity of the printed material can be controlled.

CANCELLED: Cluster Conference 2020

With regret, the organizers of Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – the 3DMM2O Conference 2020: 3D Hybrid Organotypic Systems have decided to cancel the conference. Further information will follow soon.

Registration Open: Summer Program 2020

Female high school students with an interest in STEM are invited to take part in a week of fascinating insights into the world of 3D Printing. Places are limited!

Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

On April 9, 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener gave the inaugural lecture for the Nano Institute of the University of Syndey on the topic “Nano 3D printing: Materials beyond Imagination”.

Nature Communications features publications

Nature Communications recently curated a themed collection showcasing interdisciplinary papers on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing published in the journal over the past years. The collection includes two papers by Cluster PIs: “Adding chemically selective subtraction to multi-material 3D additive manufacturing” and “Controlling the shape of 3D microstructures by temperature and light”. We congratulate!

CANCELLED: German-Japanese Workshop

PLEASE NOTE that the workshop had to be postponed.  On March 4 & 5, the German-Japanese Workshop “Aquatic Materials Made to Order” will take place at Heidelberg University. The workshop is jointly organized by MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Aquatic Functional Materials” and the Cluster 3DMM2O.

Visit by Rotary Club members

On October 26, as part of the 40 year anniversary of the Rotary Club Karlsruhe-Fächerstadt, Rotary Club members visited the Center for Functional Nanostructures at KIT to learn about the research of the Cluster 3DMM2O.