livMatS Spokesperson at Materials Colloquium

Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck, vice spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence “livMatS”, will give a talk during the KIT Materials Colloquium on January 14 at 4 pm. Principal Investigator Peter Gumbsch will guide the discussion.The colloquium will take place in the Redtenbacher-Hörsaal on Campus South.

Publication about Dynamic 3D Printing

Scientists of the Cluster 3DMM2O develop a new method for producing controllable 3D microstructures. They present their multidisciplinary research in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

ITAS Symposium: Re-imagining the futures of 3D printing in society

The Carl Zeiss Foundation Vision Assessment Study is organizing a scientific symposium that will bring together leading experts on 3D printing in the social sciences and humanities to foster the international debate on 3D printing in society. It will take place online March 23 to 24, 2021.

New PI: Dr. Pavel Levkin

The Cluster 3DMM2O warmly welcomes PD Dr. Pavel Levkin as a new PI. Dr. Levkin is head of the Biofunctional Materials research group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and will conduct research in Thrust A3 of the Cluster.

Publishing Talk by Advanced Materials Editors

On January 28, there will be a talk on “Publishing advanced materials science” by Advanced Materials editors (Wiley) Jos Lenders and Dimitra Gkogkou. It will take place at KIT (Campus North), Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems (build. 316), room 105 at 9 am.

Success within the Excellence Strategy

Both Universities cooperating within the Cluster 3DMM2O were successful in the second funding line of the Excellence Strategy and are awarded the title of University of Excellence.

Scholarships of Carl Zeiss Foundation

We are happy to announce the call for application for doctoral scholarships as part of the scholarship program funded by Carl Zeiss Foundation in the HEiKA Graduate School on Functional Materials.

Article about Cluster in Physik Journal

The November issue of Physik Journal, the member journal of the German Physical Society, features an article on the Cluster 3DMM2O. For the article, Cluster Spokesperson Martin Wegener was interviewed on the goals as well as the current state and research developments of the Cluster. The article is available to all registered users as well as […]

Prof. Martijn Kemerink joins Cluster

The Cluster 3DMM2O warmly welcomes Prof. dr. ir. Martijn Kemerink. As Professor at the Centre for Advanced Materials (CAM) at Heidelberg University, he receives start-up investments within the Carl Zeiss Foundation-Focus@HEiKA. He will act as a PI in Thrust C1.