Event with ITAS: technik.kontrovers

On July 21 at 6 pm, the ITAS event technik.kontrovers “Zukünfte des 3D-Drucks” will take place online. It will feature talks and a discussion on the present and future as well as the social dimension of 3D printing. The information on how to access the event is available on the website of the ITAS.

CANCELLED: Visiting lectures at KIT

PLEASE NOTE that Daniel Torrent’s visit had to be postponed. Daniel Torrent (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) will be visiting KIT on March 25 & 26. He will give two talks, in each case at 10 am in room 6/1 of the Physics tower (building number 30.23). Torrent’s research interests include, among others, optical and acoustic metamaterials.

Lecture Series 3DMM2O

Kristen Kozielski will give a talk on “Magnetoelectric materials for wireless neuronal modulation”on November 7, 3.00 pm, in Karlsruhe. The event is open to the public that has previous knowledge of the topic.

Lecture Series in 3D Printing

The Cluster 3D Matter Made to Order presents a lecture series in 3D Printing. The first lecture will be presented by Gerardo Hernández-Sosa on April 16, 2019, 3:15 pm at the InnovationLab Heidelberg.

Workshop at ZEISS Makerspace @ KIT

On July 27, the first workshop in the new ZEISS Makerspace @ KIT, located in the ZEISS InnovationHub @ KIT on Campus North, will take place. The Makerspace is a place that provides every interested party with the tools to realize their own ideas e.g. 3D printers or a table saw.

KIT Materials Day 2020

The KIT Materials Center cordially invites scientists interested in materials research at KIT to participate in the Materials Day on March 5, 2020. Online registration is mandatory. PI Jan Korvink will give a short introduction into the Cluster 3DMM2O at around 10:10 am.

Review Article on 3D Laser Nanoprinting

Researchers of the Cluster present a review of the state and potential future of 3D Laser Nanoprinting. The feature article was published in the October 2019 issue of Optics & Photonics News (OPN), the renowned monthly news magazine of The Optical Society.

Welcome Day

The Cluster 3DMM2O warmly invites its new doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to attend its first Welcome Day on April 16, 2019 in Heidelberg.

New paper in Advanced Materials

A new Cluster paper, published in the journal Advanced Materials, details water erasable microstructures produced by 3D laser printing. The paper features three Principal Investigators of the Cluster as co-authors: Martin Wegener, Christopher Barner-Kowollik and Eva Blasco.

CANCELLED: Event with ITAS: technik.kontrovers

PLEASE NOTE that the event had to be postponed. On March 11, 2020 at 6 pm, doctoral researcher Marc Hippler will participate in a public discussion about the present, future and societal dimension of 3D printing alongside Christoph Schneider and Maximilian Roßmann (both ITAS).