3DMM2O on Social Media

As part of our Public Engagement and outreach measures, we are also present on different Social Media channels


Our X channel is primarily aimed at a scientific public but also interesting for everyone who wants to learn more about what we do. We tweet about new publications created within the framework of our Cluster, relevant events and achievements or awards of our Cluster members. If you want to stay up to date on what we are doing and also want to get some insights into our broader research fields, we recommend following us here.

LinkedIn Logo

Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)

With LinkedIn we not only try to stay connected with everyone involved in our Cluster, partners from industry and academia as well as former members and graduates (alumni), but also want to communicate our research in a way that is easier to understand without a pertinent scientific background. To achieve that, we focus more on possible applications of our research.

If you are a Young Scientist and want to stay informed about all relevant Cluster activities and graduate school training programs, feel free to join our LinkedIn-Group!

Facebook Logo

Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order

We use Facebook in a quite similar way to LinkedIn.

YouTube Logo

3D Matter Made to Order

On our YouTube channel, you can find short and entertaining videos in which our researchers introduce themselves and explain their work in a comprehensible way. At the moment we have two series: “Explain like I’m five” and “Women in Science”.

Instagram Logo


With Instagram we try to reach a younger audience with entertaining formats, following an edutainment approach.