With our Early Career Program, we lay out a holistic concept that aims at developing a team spirit among the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers and encourages them to work on joint projects. Furthermore, participants learn about instrumentation, techniques, and approaches available in other Cluster groups, thereby expanding their horizon and skillset.
We aim to recruit the best international talents for the HEiKA Graduate School and prepare them for a highly interdisciplinary research field as well as the demands and challenges in industry and academia.
3D Additive Manufacturing is a field with a high growth potential, thus providing an interesting and manifold avenue for research and development. It is therefore not only a fascinating field of academic research, but concern industrial applications, as well.
The variety in 3D Additive Manufacturing and, in consequence, of the Cluster, necessitates interdisciplinary cooperation. Members of the Graduate School work with distinguished scientists across disciplinary borders in a stimulating and enriching environment.