Startseite > Graduate School > Admissions > Application Procedure
Application Procedure

Your application will be pre-screened to make sure that it is complete and you fulfill the requirements. If required, the pre-screening is followed up by an interview with a Cluster PI to ensure an optimal research fit. After this initial process, the Coordinating Committee of the Cluster decides on the Admission.
Necessary Documents
Before starting the application process, you should have the following documents at hand:
- Curriculum Vitae (1-3 pages)
- Description of doctoral research project
- High School diploma
- Bachelor / Undergraduate certificate
- Master’s certificate
- Transcript of record Bachelor’s degree
- Transcript of records Master’s degree
- Letter of motivation (5.500 characters or less, incl. spaces)
- Name(s) and contact information for references
Other documents and information may be submitted at a later step in the process. All applications for doctoral positions have to be processed through our application portal.
Stipends and open positions may be found here and on the websites of the respective Principal Investigators. More information about the Carl Zeiss Foundation Stipend Program area available here. Further external funding opportunities may be available to you. Research in Germany provides information about relevant programs and organisations. Please note that applications are not dependent of the funding status.