HEiKA Graduate School on Functional Materials

The HEiKA Graduate School on “Functional Materials” is a central structural element of the Cluster.
The Graduate School Office coordinates the entire process before, during and after the application. Aside supporting the Young Scientists in their scientific research leading up to their doctorate, the Graduate School offers a module program preparing them for a highly interdisciplinary research field.
In addition, the Graduate School Office organizes events specifically for Young Scientists, like the Young Scientist Retreat. Furthermore, Welcome Days, Business Breakfasts and Journal Clubs at Lunch as well as other networking events are offered.
The Graduate School’s offer contributes to the continuous deepening of the partnerships and to the development of new cross-disciplinary connections between Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers as well the PIs from KIT and Heidelberg University.
For more information on the Heidelberg Karlsruhe Strategic Partnership (HEiKA), please click here.
A new webportal has been launched where our members can register for events and the various modules of our training program. The portal also allows users to update their personal information and download certificates for completed workshops.

Stefanie Peer
Cluster Office