
For general enquiries, please contact the Cluster spokespersons:

Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

+49 (0)721 608 43400

Prof. Dr. Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Heidelberg University

+49 (0)6221 54 4935

For press enquiries concerning 3D Matter Made to Order, please contact the 3DMM2O Cluster Office:

Mitarbeiterin Jorinne Sturm

Jorinne Sturm
Cluster Office

+49 (0)721 608-48076

For enquiries concerning the HEiKA Graduate School on Functional Materials or the MSc Materials Science and Engineering, please contact

Mitarbeiterin Peer

Stefanie Peer
Cluster Office

+49 (0)721 608-47018

For other Cluster Office contacts, click here. Please find the contact information of specific researchers here.


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