MOF-based continuous flow enzyme reactor system

As biocatalysts, enzymes accelerate many chemical reactions. Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have now incorporated enzymes into metal-organic cages (MOFs). They then demonstrated for the first time that stabilization by these framework structures is sufficient for use of the enzymes in a continuously operated reactor. The authors, including Cluster Postdoctoral Researcher Tawheed Hashem and […]

Improved Understanding for 3D Laser Nanoprinting of Metals

When compared to polymer-based 3D Laser Nanoprinting, multi-photon 3D printing of metals is lacking in both structure quality and printing speed. In a new paper published in Laser & Photonics Reviews, Cluster Researchers including Principal Investigators Eva Blasco, Carsten Rockstuhl and Martin Wegener show that light-induced forces onto the nanoparticles play a significant role in […]

3D Printable, Tough and Self-Healing PEGgel

A team including Cluster researchers from the working groups of Principal Investigators Pavel Levkin and Wolfgang Wenzel present a 3D printable polymer gel system (PEGgel) with properties such as high stretchability and toughness, rapid self-healing, and long-term stability under ambient conditions. Soft materials like the reported PEGgel hold promises for broad applications in wearable electronics, soft actuators and […]

Deadline Extended: Cluster Conference 2022

The registration and abstract submission deadlines for Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – The 3DMM2O Conference 2022: 3D Nano- and Micro-Manufacturing: Technology and Technical Applications have been extended until February 28, 2022. The conference will take place from April 3-8, 2022 in the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn).

Nature Communications Features Cluster Publications

Nature Communications recently updated their themed collection showcasing interdisciplinary papers on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing published in the journal over the past years. It now features three Cluster research publications. In addition to two papers by Cluster PIs already on the list – Gräfe et al. (2018) and Hippler et al. (2019)– it now […]

Miniaturization of Diffusers for New Applications

A team of Cluster scientists and researchers of Friedrich Schiller University of Jena succeeded in developing a diffuser, a disk that scatters light, based on silicon nanoparticles. It can be used to specifically control the direction, color, and polarization of light. This novel technology may be used in transparent screens or augmented reality. The results are reported […]

Directly Observed Roton-Like Dispersion Relations in Metamaterials

A team including Cluster researchers from the working group of Principal Investigator Martin Wegener report the direct experimental observation of roton-like dispersion relations in two different 3D metamaterials under ambient conditions. The results open experimental opportunities to tailor the lowest dispersion branch of 3D metamaterials. Their work builts upon atheoretical framework detailed in June of this […]

Explain Like I’m Five: New Video

In a new ELI5 (“Explain Like I’m 5”) video on the Cluster YouTube channel, Cluster Young ScientistTobias Abele(working group of Principal Investigator Kerstin Göpfrich) explains his research in the field of synthetic biology. The video details a new approach using 3D laser printing directly within a synthetic cell that waspublished recently in Advanced Materials.

3D Laser Nanoprinters Become Compact

Currently, 3D Laser Printers require big and expensive laser systems. Cluster researchers from KIT and Uni HD now present an approach to use two-step absorption with inexpensive and small, blue laser diodes instead of two-photon absorption to realize smaller, more compact printers. This could pave the way to make 3D laser printing accessible for a wider audience. The paper […]

Event Series “Successes & Challenges” starts at CAM

On November 16, the first “Successes and Challenges” event took place atCAM Heidelberg. Once a month, two presenters report on their successes while also highlighting their challenges to start a collaborative exchange with the audience. The first presenters were Tobias Spratte (AG Selhuber-Unkel) and Cluster Postdoctoral Researcher Lucie Zilova (AG Wittbrodt). The next event will take […]