Eva Blasco receives Ernst Haage Prize

Not long after being awarded with the Dr. Herrmann Schnell Grant, Cluster Principal Investigator Eva Blasco now received the Ernst Haage Prize in Chemistry for her outstanding scientific achievements in the field of design and synthesis of new polymer-based functional materials for applications in 3D and 4D printing. The Ernst Haage Prize is presented by the Ernst […]

Highly Reflecting Mirrors from the Inkjet Printer

First author Cluster Young Scientist Qiaoshuang Zhang together with Cluster PI Uli Lemmer and colleagues demonstrate the first Bragg mirrors fully digitally manufactured by multilayer inkjet printing in a paper published in Advanced Materials. The developed method to print mirrors of variable size with a reflectivity of more than 99 percent enables additive manufacturing for […]

Prof. Peer Fischer becomes new Cluster PI

We welcome Prof. Dr. Peer Fischer as new Principal Investigator in the Cluster 3DMM2O. He will contribute his longstanding expertise in the Research Thrusts B1 and C3.

Explain Like I’m Five: New Video

In the new episode of our video format “Explain Like I’m 5”, Cluster Young Scientist Hankun Yang from the Light Technology Institute (LTI) of the KIT explains what an electronic nose is, how it differs from the human nose, and how it can help us sniff out fire or mold.

Podcast “Auf Knopfdruck” launched

Together with theInstitute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, the Cluster 3DMM2O has produced a five-part German-language podcast series exploring 3D printing technology and its current and future implications for society. In each episode, science journalist Isabelle Rogge talks to two experts that are working either with or on the technology or explore its societal […]

Nature Portfolio Collection Features Cluster Publications

The editorial team of Nature Communications Engineering recently published a collection of papers on the topic “Mechanical Metamaterials”. It features three papers with involvement by Cluster Principal Investigators Martin Wegener as well as Peter Gumbsch: Frenzel et al. (2021), Wang et al. (2022) and Fang et al. (2022).

KIT Doctoral Award for Tobias Frenzel

Cluster Alumni Tobias Frenzel is one of the recipients of the 14th KIT Doctoral Award. He received the award for his doctoral thesis “On 3D Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials”. With the KIT Doctoral Award, the university honors outstanding doctoral researchers, highlighting the great importance of young scientists at KIT. Today, the award was officially presented to him […]

Christopher Barner-Kowollik receives EPF Prize 2022

During a special session at the EPF Congress, Principal Investigator Christopher Barner-Kowollik has been awarded the European Polymer Federation Prize 2022. The board of the European Polymer Federation honored Barner-Kowollik’s “pioneering work in the field of macromolecular photochemistry enabling unprecedented access to polymer design, spatially resolved interface functionalization and advanced photoresists technology”.

Eva Blasco receives Dr. Herrmann Schnell grant

Principal Investigator Eva Blasco will receive a Dr. Herrmann Schnell grant. With this award, the German Chemical Society (GDCh) honors Blasco’s “innovative research work in the highly topical area of functional materials for 3D laser printing and lithography.” The prize will be officially awarded during the Biennial Meeting of the GDCh-Division of Macromolecular Chemistry in September.

Cluster Young Scientist invited to Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings aim at exchange between different generations, cultures and disciplines by bringing together Nobel Laureates and the next generation of leading scientists.This year, the Chemistry meeting takes place from June 26 to July 1. Cluster Young Scientist Clara Vázquez-Martel from the group of Principal Investigator Eva Blasco is one of the participants […]