Search for Alternative Two-Step-Absorption Photoinitiators for 3D Laser Nanoprinting

In a new Cluster publication, first author Cluster Alumnus Maximilian Bojanowski together with Young Scientists Vincent Hahn, Pascal Rietz, Tobias Messer, Julian Brückel and PIs Christopher Barner-Kowolloik, Eva Blasco, Stefan Bräse and Martin Wegener systematically explores alternatives to the few already reported one- and two-color two-step-absorption photoinitiators for 3D laser nanoprinting. The aspect of their […]

Kerstin Göpfrich and Daniela Duarte Campos receive the ERC Starting Grant 2022

Cluster PIs Kerstin Göpfrich and Daniela Duarte Campos are among the winners of the European Research Council (ERC) 2022 Starting Grant that is being awarded to excellent young scientists for their promising ideas and research projects. With this grant, Prof. Göpfrich funds her project “From engineering to evolution of synthetic cells with RNA origami” and Jun.-Prof. […]

Christopher Barner-Kowollik awarded with two Medals

Principal Investigator Christopher Barner-Kowollik was awarded the David Craig Medal of the Australian Academy of Science as well as the HG Smith Medal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute for his outstanding research on light as a “molecular surgical tool” for soft matter materials. His work fuses the in-depth understanding of chemical processes that are […]

New Public Lecture Series “3DMM2O”

On November 23, our new Public Lecture Series “3D Matter Made to Order” starts with a lecture by Principal Investigator Jochen Wittbrodt about the potential and limitations of Retinal Organoids. Within this series, different Cluster PIs explain the research in their groups and present previous successes to a wider audience. It takes place regularly on Wednesdays at […]

Stefanie Dehnen becomes new Cluster PI

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dehnen has been chosen as new Cluster Principal Investigator in Research Thrust A3! Since October 2022 she is Executive Director of the Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) at KIT and head of the research unit “Cluster-Based Materials”. From 2006 until 2022 she was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Marburg. This […]

Kerstin Göpfrich appointed as Professor at Heidelberg University

Cluster Principal Investigator Kerstin Göpfrich was recently appointed as W3 Professor by the Center for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH). She will also be research group leader at the ZMBH with a focus on biophysical engineering of life. We congratulate her sincerely!

We welcome two new Cluster Associate PIs

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Jana Zaumseil and Dr. Jens Bauer as new Associate Principal Investigators in our Cluster! Jana Zaumseil is Professor for Applied Physical Chemistry and leads the research group “Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics” at the Heidelberg University.Jens Baueris leader of the Emmy-Noether research group “Nanoarchitected Metamaterials” at the Institute of Nanotechnology of the […]

Lightning fast 3D Microprinting with Two Lasers

In a new Cluster publication published in Nature Photonics, first author Young Scientist Vincent Hahn and his colleagues achieved lightning fast and high-resolution light-sheet 3D microprinting via two-colour two-step absorption. The developed laser printing process can print micrometer-sized parts precisely and in the blink of an eye, made possible by a specially built 3D printer […]

Registration for the Cluster Conference 2023 now open!

You can now register for the 3DMM2O Conference 2023 – Future 3D Additive Manufacturing with the topic 3D Molecular Systems. It will take place from March 12 to March 17 in the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn) and aims at providing the latest research developments and future trends in the fields of materials, molecular self-assembly, and (bio)nanomaterials design and characterization. […]

New Cluster Publication about 3D Optomechanical Metamaterials

In a new publication by Cluster Young Scientists Alexander Münchinger and Li-Yun Hsu as well as PIs Eva Blasco and Martin Wegener published in Materials Today, the authors present mechanical metamaterials composed of liquid-crystal elastomers whose director field is arranged into a designed complex three-dimensional pattern during the 3D laser printing process. The presented examples overcome major limitations in responsive mechanical […]