Cluster participation in the Girls’Day 2023

This year, different research groups of the Cluster 3DMM2O offered again a variety of workshops for young female students as part of the Girls’Day 2023. At the IMSEAM of Heidelberg University, the students 3D printed materials on the micro and nanometer scale, examined different biological samples with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and experimented with […]

Gerardo Hernandez Sosa appointed W3 Professor at KIT

Cluster Principal Investigator Gerardo Hernandez Sosa was recently appointed W3 professor by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He conducts research on printed flexible, biocompatible and biodegradable electronics at the Light Technology Institute (LTI) and is also head of the printed electronics group of the InnovationLab. Congratulations to this well-deserved accomplishment!

The Cluster welcomes two new Associate PIs

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pernice and Prof. Dr. Moritz Kreysing as new Associate Principal Investigators in our Cluster! Wolfram Pernice is leader of theNeuromorphic Quantumphotonics groupat the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (KIP) of Heidelberg University and currently Fellow of the Marsilius Kolleg. Moritz Kreysing is Professor forBiophotonics in the Life Sciencesand head of theBiophysical Information Processing […]

Article about Cluster research on Printed 4D Polymers

The state agency “BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg” has published an article about the research of Cluster PI Eva Blasco and her group on printed intelligent 4D polymers. It illuminates the possible applications of the programmable polymer materials with lifelike properties in the medical sector, e.g., for implants, self-healing tissue or microrobotics. Prof. Blasco and her team at the […]

Optical Filters and Mirrors from the Inkjet Printer

The research group of Cluster PI Uli Lemmer at the Light Technology Institute of KIT demonstrates at the Hannover Messe 2023 how optical filters and dielectric mirrors can be manufactured in a customized, cost-effective, and energy-saving way via inkjet printing. They present their new manufacturing process based on new materials and inks from April 17 […]

Cluster Publication among Top Downloaded Articles

The Cluster publication “Multi-Photon 4D Printing of Complex Liquid Crystalline Microstructures by In Situ Alignment Using Electric Fields” from 2021 by first author Young Scientist Alexander Münchinger is among the most downloaded articles in the journal Advanced Materials Technologies. The approach presented in the paper enables the making of 3D micro-heterostructures operating under ambient conditions that […]

Uli Lemmer awarded the ERC Advanced Grant

Cluster PI Uli Lemmer is one of the awardees of the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. His project “Origami inspired thermoelectric generators by printing and folding” will receive 2.4 million euros in funding over the next five years. With this project, he wants to develop and test a cost-effective and scalable process for manufacturing thermoelectric […]

Two Functions from a Single Photoresist

A recent Cluster publication in Advanced Materials with participation of PI Eva Blasco and Christopher Barner-Kowollik introduces the first example where 3D structures consisting of both degradable and non-degradable segments can be printed via direct laser writing (DLW) from a single photoresist based on a light-stabilized dynamic material. The authors were able to selectively toggle between stable […]

3DMM2O Poster Awards presented at the Cluster Conference

At this year’s 3DMM2O Conference – Future 3D Additive Manufacturing three posters by Young Scientists were acknowledged with an award endowed at 500 euros each. The evaluation was carried out by external speakers on the basis of visual impression, content and presentation of the poster. The winners are Barbara Schamberger, Maria Villiou (both PI Christine Selhuber-Unkel) and Britta Weidinger […]

High-Resolution Battery Thickness Monitoring

First author Young Scientist Pariya Nazari presents the realization of a highly sensitive and highly compliant microfiber strain sensor for high-resolution and real-time Li-ion battery thickness monitoring in a new Cluster publication published in Advanced Materials. The good dynamic strain sensing properties, lightweight, miniature form factor and high durability suggest that this economic and simple approach offers promising […]