Barner-Kowollik elected as Academy of Science Fellow
PI Barner-Kowollik has been elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science for his significant and lasting impact in the field of soft matter nanotechnology. We congratulate!
KHYS Research Travel Grant
The Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists financially supports doctoral students and postdocs undertaking three- to six-month research stays abroad. Applications are open until May 5, 2019.
Welcome Day
The Cluster 3DMM2O warmly invites its new doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to attend its first Welcome Day on April 16, 2019 in Heidelberg.
Lecture Series in 3D Printing
The Cluster 3D Matter Made to Order presents a lecture series in 3D Printing. The first lecture will be presented by Gerardo Hernández-Sosa on April 16, 2019, 3:15 pm at the InnovationLab Heidelberg.
Publication about Multimaterial Photoresists
Researchers of the Cluster introduce a platform technology for multimaterial photoresists that can be orthogonally cured by changing the colour of light.
Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener
On April 9, 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener gave the inaugural lecture for the Nano Institute of the University of Syndey on the topic “Nano 3D printing: Materials beyond Imagination”.
Seminar Announcement
On May 6, there will be a special seminar on “Overcoming the conflict between stiffness and toughness in architected lattices“ by Dr. Jochen Mueller (Harvard University). It takes place at KIT Campus South, Physics building (30.23), in room 6-1 from 10-11 am.
3DMM2O @ KIT in the City Hall
The Mayor of Karlsruhe and the President of KIT warmly invite the general public to “KIT in the City Hall” on June 4, 2019 at 6:30 pm. This year, the event is focussed on the topic “New Technologies for the Materials of Tomorrow”.
Cluster PIs participate in HeKKSaGOn Working Group
During the Presidents’ Conference of the German-Japanese University Consortium HeKKSaGOn on 12 and 13 September 2019 in Heidelberg, members of Working Group I – including several Cluster PIs – met up to discuss further research activites.
Young Investigator Group Preparation Program
YIG Prep Pro focuses on the international recruitment of outstanding early career researchers, in particular one to four years after the completion of their doctorate. Applications are open until March 5, 2019.