Feature Issue in Optical Materials Express

A new feature issue of the journal Optical Materials Express, guest-edited by Cluster PIs Eva Blasco and Martin Wegener as well as SAB member Shoji Maruo, showcases selected latest developments and results in the field of optical 3D printing and its applications in optics and other areas. The virtual feature issue is available on the […]

KIT Doctoral Award for Jasmin Busch

Cluster Young Scientist Jasmin Busch is one of the recipients of the 13th KIT Doctoral Award. With the award, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology acknowledges outstanding doctoral researchers, thereby highlighting the great importance of Young Scientists at KIT. We congratulate!

Cluster PIs recognized as “Highly Cited Researchers”

Principal Investigator A. Stephen K. Hashmi (Heidelberg University) and Cluster Spokesperson Martin Wegener (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) have been recognized as Highly Cited Researchers 2020 by Web of Science. This means that their papers rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year. For the current list the authors evaluated publications from 2009 to 2019.

Publication about Multimaterial 3D Printing

Researchers of the Cluster 3DMM2O create a new method enabling the production of 3D-printed micro- and nanostructures efficiently and precisely using mixed materials. Their findings are published in Science Advances.

Cluster Publication in Chemical Reviews

A new Cluster publication written, among others, by Cluster Postdoc Nicole Jung as well as PIs Ute Schepers and Stefan Bräse was published in highly respected journal Chemical Reviews. The review article describes and discusses types of the Staudinger Ligation and compares them to other bioorthogonal labeling methods.

Young Investigator Group Preparation Program

YIG Prep Pro focuses on the international recruitment of outstanding early career researchers, in particular one to four years after the completion of their doctorate. Applications are open until March 5, 2019.

KHYS Research Travel Grant

The Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists financially supports doctoral students and postdocs undertaking three- to six-month research stays abroad. Applications are open until May 5, 2019.

Welcome Day

The Cluster 3DMM2O warmly invites its new doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to attend its first Welcome Day on April 16, 2019 in Heidelberg.

Deadline Extended: Cluster Conference 2020

The deadline for Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – The 3DMM2O Conference 2020 was just extended to February 29, 2020. The conference will take place from March 29 to April 2, 2020 and focus on 3D Hybrid Organotypic Systems.