Recap Winter Cluster Meeting 2024

Recap Winter Cluster Meeting 2024

In March, the Cluster members met for the yearly Winter Cluster Meeting at Kloster Neustadt. During the two-day event, there were presentations by Principal Investigators, insights into Postdoc Take-Off Grant projects, poster sessions and a lot of room for networking and scientific discussion. It was a great pleasure to see and talk to you!

Prof. Dr. Graeme Milton gives a Lecture on Metamaterials at the APH

Prof. Dr. Graeme Milton from the University of Utah gives a lecture titled “From Pentamodes to Cable Webs to Masonry Structures” at the Institute of Applied Physics (APH) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on Friday, March 8, 2024. In his lecture, he will show how to design discrete networks that mimic the stress-guiding […]