Exhibition at the CNSR
The public exhibition of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order was moved from IMSEAM to the FoF4 Core Facility for Neuroscience of Self-Regulation (CNSR) from July 3 to 28, 2023. The move was in collaboration with the Field of Focus 4 (FoF4) “Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Societies” and took place in cooperation with the City of Heidelberg as part of the “Science in the City” event series. At the CNSR, the exhibition offered an exciting program with guided tours and interactive workshops presented by the Young Scientists of the Cluster.
The exhibition was officially opened with a vernissage on June 29, 2023, also celebrating the reopening of the CNSR after reconstruction measures. It included a pitch for the exhibition stations accompanied by a sparkling wine reception. Matthias Weidemüller (Vice-Rector Innovation and Transfer of Heidelberg University), Daniel Bumiller (Deputy Head of the Office for Economic Development and Science, City of Heidelberg) and the spokespersons of the CNSR (Silke Hertel) and the Cluster 3DMM2O (Christine Selhuber-Unkel) gave opening speeches.
The following workshops were offered:
How to design and analyze a 3D model – In this workshop the participants created 3D models. They got hands-on experience with state-of-the-art modeling software and learned how scientists use it for their work. In the second step, they used the models to simulate force application. The models showed how different shapes and materials are affected by different forces and how small changes can have large effects on their resistance. Organizer: Gaurav Dave & Miguel Juarez
3D Printing Practice – What kind of 3D printers are there and what principles do they work with? What printing materials and 3D modeling software are available? What is a slicer and how does it work? What to consider when preparing the printer, what are pitfalls? This workshop addressed 3D printing beginners and was designed to teach the basics of 3D printing. Organizer: Dr. Torsten Wüstenberg
Design and build your own CT scanner – How can X-rays see through the human body? Visible light was used in this workshop to understand the principles of X-ray computed tomography (CT). Using Fisher technology, LEDs, and a smartphone, the participants were invited to build their own CT scanner. Organizer: Dr. Venera Weinhardt & Kristap Kairiss
3D printing with food – Chocolate and cookies – hotels, shoes, electronics, jewelry, cell scaffolds, optical microlenses. These are all examples that have already been produced with 3D printers. Both in everyday life and in science and technology, 3D printing is thus attracting more and more interest. In this workshop, the participants were able to dive into this world and, with the help of special food 3D printers, get to know the delicious sides of this future technology. Starting with the design on the computer to the finished edible 3D figure. Organizer: Marcus Dodds & Maximilian Elter
Many thanks to the city of Heidelberg for the support!